Once upon a time...
Enter the wonderful world of Lieselot Boone, an experienced fairy tale teller who has been enchanting young and old with her magical stories for more than two decades.
With her unique narrative style and enchanting voice, Lieselot brings her stories to life.
In libraries, at (nature) events, school, family, street, neighborhood parties, or special occasions: a storytelling moment creates a golden edge around the experience.
This can be done together in her unique fairy tale caravan. Or in a space of the organizer's choice.
For outdoor events, the caravan is a great asset: here children can nestle in and enjoy exciting stories, puppet shows and enchanting songs, immersed in an enchanting atmosphere of wonder.
Also note the handmade felt hats, each inspired by nature and the animal kingdom, that she wears during her performances. These hats add an extra dose of charm and playfulness to her stories.
Fairy tales and stories for everyone
Fairytale caravan rental
our wonderful world...
The processes and wonders of nature serve as a constant source of inspiration for Lieselot's stories, kamishibai performances and shows.
By observing how plants grow, seasons change and animals find their way in the world, Lieselot finds inspiration for her own creative expressions.
Her stories often reflect the cycles of nature, the symbiosis between different life forms and the magic of the everyday.
Lieselot also brings her stories to life using kamishibai, a traditional Japanese storytelling form with picture cards.
With 'Rietje waait naar Zee', a publication in collaboration with the province of West Flanders, with drawings by Marie Van Praag, many visitors to the coast come into contact with the wonderful coherence of birds and shells in the marine biotope.
Shadow play also has a permanent place in her kamishibai performances. The unique shadow story plates and figures were created in collaboration with Indira Nunes dos Santos.
When it's dark and cold outside, it's even more cozy to see the shadows bring the story to life.
Her performances are imbued with wonder, wisdom and a deep respect for the beauty and diversity of life on earth.
Please browse through the offer and do not hesitate to contact me for a personalized offer tailored to your event.